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I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. The characters are so real to me that they became friends. At times they would actually tell me what they wanted to say or where they wanted to go. Other characters would just materialize in the pages without forethought and march along in the story making it complete. That is the fun part of writing for me.

MAXIMUS  (Published 2015)

ISBN 978-1-60907-985-7


General Lucius Fabius Maximus has wielded a sword in bloody battle for Roman expansion over fifteen years. He is ready to resign his commission in a search for greater truth and a more stable and peaceful existence when by the bidding of Emperor Tiberius himself he is sent on a unique campaign that will change him forever.


Click for Review

Q&A with Richard

Starfish (Working title)



As Germany invades Denmark at the outset of World War ll, Cecilia Jensen, a young  girl from the small fishing village of Skagen, is left alone with a newborn baby boy in a world full of pain and confusion. Her decision is to immigrate to the United States and create a new life for herself and her son. She settles in Humboldt County in Northern California where she becomes a successful business woman and a heart-broken Grandmother - hiding a secret she has carried most of her life.



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